no-knead pizza dough for one pizza ( see recipe below)
1/2 cup fresh ricotta cheese
1/4 cup grated parimigano reggiano
2 -3 slices San Daniele proscuitto, in strips
Make pizza as directed below. Blanch peas, by tossing into boiling water for 1 minutes, then strain the peas and place in ice water to stop cooking. Once cooled, strain and dry and set aside as a pizza topping. Once pizza dough is rolled out top with ricotta, mozzarella, grated cheese and strips of prosciutto. Bake as directed. Before serving sprinkle with peas, lemon zest and some coarse sea salt. Serve immediately.
1. In a large bowl, mix the flour with the yeast and salt. Add the water and stir until blended (the dough will be very sticky). Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rest for 12 to 24 hours in a warm spot, about 70°.
2. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface and lightly sprinkle the top with flour. Fold the dough over on itself once or twice, cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.
3. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and shape each piece into a ball. Generously sprinkle a clean cotton towel with flour and cover the dough balls with it. Let the dough rise for 2 hours.
4. Stretch or toss the dough into the desired shape, cover with toppings and bake on top of a very hot pizza stone or on a oiled baking sheet in a 500 degree F oven for about 8 to 10 minutes until dough is cripsy and golden brown.